ROLOUS BORANN ANCIENT RESORT — a homestay resort with a variety of services and activities for both the local and foreigner visitors.

Project Type

Total Area
2780 m2

Siem Reap City


This project is located near an ancient city of Bakong Temple. Since there are existing buildings on the site left from some time before the pol pot regime, we made it our goal to keep as much of the original structures as possible, and to make it a comfortable relaxing home stay which also makes it easy for the guests to visit the ancient city and temples surrounding it.

The whole area has been divided into different parts for landscape, activity areas, and hospitality area.

The style chosen for the designs is inspired from how Khmer traditional houses were utilized. The house is raised from the ground to provide a gathering or living area underneath where visitors can come and relax with the natural atmosphere and ventilation from all around the location. The decorations are also inspired from the Khmer culture and accessories.